Every home with multi-level deck or balcony needs a deck railing.
A deck railing (or guard railing) is an essential installation for any elevated space. Its primary function is to provide safety, while adding a modern look to your deck, porch or rooftop balcony. We have many styles available, including picket, glass and topless glass.
Haven’t built your deck yet?
Contact one of these local deck builders for a consultation and quote.
An outdoor deck is the perfect place to enjoy time with friends and family. It’s important that you keep your guest safe, while maintaining a modern look. Glass railings are functional and stylish, and provide the finishing touch for your outdoor living space.
For a more detailed installation guide, click here
An outdoor deck is the perfect place to enjoy time with friends and family. It’s important that you keep your guest safe, while maintaining a modern look. Picket railings are stylish and functional, while allowing lots of air circulation for your deck or balcony
For a more detailed installation guide, click here
Having trouble choosing between wood and aluminum? It’s important to understand the logic behind choosing each one. Here we have shown the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
Looking to choose a rail system? Not sure whether to go with a local company or a big box store? Check out our comparison of our rail system with the competitors.
No, each piece is custom cut to fit your project. What this means for you is that you’ll have an even 1 1/2″ spacing between the glass and the post. Which creates a consistent even look for you.
The average length of time is 2-3 weeks, but we will confirm the timelines upon you putting the order in.
Once the glass is set in the railing system it won’t break, but if it does it would shatter into a million tiny pieces. As an example, if this would happen while moving a piece, you’d hear a large bang and the glass would shatter and your hands would be fine.
The National building code states that you can use 21 sq ft of glass in between posts, which works out to be on average 5ft. in a 42″ tall railing system.
The easiest way to clean tempered glass is to use Windex, an alternative to cleaning glass railing is to use vinegar and water. A squeegee is very helpful as well.
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